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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

quotes about boys being jerks

quotes about boys being jerks

quotes about boys being jerks quotes about boys being jerks quotes about boys being jerks

quotes about boys being jerks quotes about boys being jerks quotes about boys being jerks

Pothinus: "Is it possible that Caesar, the conqueror of the world, has time to occupy himself with such a trifle as our taxes?"

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul. ~Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar, Following the Equator, 1897

if(pot.coffee=EMPTY) {programmer->;brain=OFF}; ~Author Unknown

When nature made the blue-bird she wished to propitiate both the sky and the earth, so she gave him the color of the one on his back and the hue of the other on his breast. ~John Burroughs

Needlepoint is a superb way to stop smoking and nibbling, and unlike counted cross stitch also allows the mind to wander. ~Carole Berman and Jennifer Lazarus

We have them just where they want us. ~James T. Kirk

I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history. ~Morgan Freeman

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. ~Arnold Glasow

Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939

A Christmas shopper's complaint is one of long-standing. ~Author Unknown

Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. ~Author unknown, supposedly from a Washington Post reader submission word contest in which readers were asked to alter a word by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter and supply a new definition

If I lose at play, I blaspheme; if my fellow loses, he blasphemes. So, God is always the loser. ~John Donne, 1623

If you want work well done, select a busy man - the other kind has no time. ~Elbert Hubbard

Her hair possessed so powerful an animal odor and was so electrically stimulating, that its mere contact with my skin instantaneously made me forget fever, fatigue and pain... and I immediately felt heroic ardor and new strength flowing and surging through my veins. ~"The Garden," Chapter 1

I do not participate in any sport with ambulances at the bottom of the hill. ~Erma Bombeck

Laying in bed this morning contemplating how amazing it would be if somehow Oscar Wilde and Mae West could twitter from the grave... ~Dita Von Teese

The test of democracy is freedom of criticism. ~David Ben-Gurion

The total history of almost anyone would shock almost everyone. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates. ~A. Lawrence Lowell

And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous. ~Exodus 23:8

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