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Thursday, April 28, 2011

star tattoos with quotes

star tattoos with quotes

star tattoos with quotes star tattoos with quotes star tattoos with quotes

star tattoos with quotes star tattoos with quotes star tattoos with quotes

Words want to be free! ~Author Unknown

Sometimes I think and other times I am. ~Paul Valery, Variete: Cantiques spirituels, 1924

If nature had intended our skeletons to be visible it would have put them on the outside of our bodies. ~Elmer Rice

Men never know how tired they are till their wives sit them down for a nice long talk. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity. ~St. Augustine

Time flies... scrapbook it. ~Vivian Perez-Espinosa, owner of Let�s Scrap!, a scrapbooking store in South Miami, Florida (www.lets-scrap.com)

We are always the same age inside. ~Gertrude Stein

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Phyllis Diller

Even when the polls are open to all, Negroes have shown themselves too slow to exercise their voting privileges. There must be a concerted effort on the part of Negro leaders to arouse their people from their apathetic indifference.... In the past, apathy was a moral failure. Today, it is a form of moral and political suicide. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature. ~Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future, 1964

A love that lasts for twenty years may be better than love, but it isn't love. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Thanksgiving is so called because we are all so thankful that it only comes once a year. ~P. J. O'Rourke

Political history is far too criminal and pathological to be a fit subject of study for the young. Children should acquire their heroes and villains from fiction. ~W.H. Auden, A Certain World

Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list. ~Dennis Leary

Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory. ~Oscar Wilde

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams

Some people are so sensitive they feel snubbed if an epidemic overlooks them. ~Frank Hubbard

I can see the orange haze on the horizon as the morning exhales a yawn, and seems to be ready to rise. ~Jeb Dickerson, www.howtomatter.com

The message for business people contemplating their place in cyberspace is simple and direct: get linked or get lost. ~Vic Sussman and Kenan Pollack

Milk the cow, but do not pull off the udder. ~Greek Proverb

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